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330 Franklin Road

Suite 135A-269

Brentwood, TN 37027

Office Location

10 Burton Hills Blvd

Suite 400

Nashville, TN 37215

Urban Golf Experience

Five Iron Golf offers a national strategy for improving access to golf by providing it in time efficient, urban entertainment environments at a fraction of the cost.

Why Swingbridge Invested...

Five Iron capitalized on the growing popularity of “experiential entertainment”, taking an already successful concept like TopGolf, and adjusting it to be more scalable via using golf simulators in smaller, indoor spaces. They showed the ability to be successful walking a tight line of catering to serious golfers while also providing entertainment to people who don’t care about the game as much. Lastly, their focus on “access” to the game of golf fits well with our own internal focus on “access” to investing.

Location: New York, NY

Industry: Consumer Entertainment
Invested: September 2019

Status: Active

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