Mailing Address

330 Franklin Road

Suite 135A-269

Brentwood, TN 37027

Office Location

10 Burton Hills Blvd

Suite 400

Nashville, TN 37215

Rejuvenating Fibers
for a Circular World.

PurFi offers fiber recycling technology that reduces the all-in cost and waste of global textile production by partnering with textile manufacturers around the world.

Why Swingbridge Invested...

PurFi’s CEO has spent the better part of the last three decades stock-piling technology inventions & patents to recycle fibers in a way no one has done it previously. We loved the idea of investing in PurFi from its earliest days as it tackles a major Global issue, starting with the recycling of waste from the Textile Industry.

Location: Tulsa, OK / Waregem, Belgium

Industry: Manufacturing

Invested: August 2019

Status: Active

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